This line is NOT available in Bloomington for purchase.
This line was NOT part of the 205 lines genotyped using WGS, so GWAS studies CANNOT be applied to this fly.

DGRP_080 line

5 studies describing this DGRP line

Reference Phenotypes Categories Status Publication date Submitted by
Howick et al., 2017
The genetic architecture of defence as resistance to and tolerance of bacterial infection in Drosophila melanogaster
BacterialLoad_PR BacterialLoad_PR_ADJ Tolerance_PRettgeri pc_Surv_PRettgeri pc_Surv_PRettgeriADJ Immunity Resistance
2017-02-28 Roel Bevers
Arya et al., 2010
Natural Variation, Functional Pleiotropy and Transcriptional Contexts of Odorant Binding Protein Genes in Drosophila melanogaster
mn_Longevity mn_RespAcetophen_3_5 mn_RespBenzaldeh_3_5 mn_RespHexanol_0_3 mn_RespHexanol_3_5 Ageing Olfactory Sensory Life history traits Behaviour
2010-11-30 Roel Bevers
Durham et al., 2014
Genome-wide analysis in Drosophila reveals age-specific effects of SNPs on fitness traits
lsm_Life_Fecundity lsm_Lifespan lsm_Week1_Fecundity lsm_Week3_Fecundity lsm_Week5_Fecundity lsm_Week7_Fecundity mn_Life_Fecundity mn_Lifespan mn_Week1_Fecundity mn_Week3_Fecundity mn_Week5_Fecundity mn_Week7_Fecundity Ageing Fecundity Life history traits
2014-08-31 Roel Bevers
Chow et al., 2013
Using natural variation in Drosophila to discover previously unknown endoplasmic reticulum stress genes
ERStress_t50 hr_ERStress_Survival Resistance Life history traits
2013-05-27 Roel Bevers
Lovejoy et al., 2021
Genetic basis of susceptibility to low‐dose paraquat and variation between the sexes in Drosophila melanogaster
Allele_11072708 Allele_11080173 Allele_11081287 Allele_13581579 Allele_13581582 Allele_13581589 Allele_13761853 Allele_13781355 Allele_14049489 Allele_14049491 Allele_14049501 Allele_3903304 Allele_4648968 Allele_9015205 Block BlockLetter CG14380_CT CG42404_CT Climbing_Control Climbing_PQ ControlDA DAControl DADifference DAParaquat FBS FC FP HSC70_4_CT HeightClimbed HscC HscP IscUC IscUP IscU_CT MBS MC MP ParaquatDA Paraquat_Climbing RPL32C RPL32P RPL32_CT Resistance Sc2C Sc2P Sc2_CT Susceptibility_C_PQ Susceptible Treatment_C Treatment_Control TyrRC TyrRP TyrR_CT Unnamed_0 Vial cg14380C cg14380P cg42404C cg42404P cpoC cpoP cpo_CT nAcRalpha_34E_CT nachrC nachrP Sensory Behaviour
Under curation
2021-04-30 romain.rochepeau