Phenotype data
Phenotype data are downloadable throught the following GET path: /phenotypes/#ID.json For example: /phenotypes/2797.json The available fields:
Field name Type Description
id integer The phenotype ID
study_id integer The study ID
name string The phenotype name
is_summary boolean True if the original data is of a summary type (only one value per DGRP line and sex), or False in the opposite case (many samples per DGRP line and sex)
is_continuous boolean True if the data are numerical and continuous
is_numeric boolean True if the data are numeric
created_at timestamp Date of creation
updated_at timestamp Date of modification
summary_type string Type of the summary if is_summary is true
unit string The unit in which the data are expressed
original_data hash Original data by DGRP line and sex
summary_data hash Summary data by type of summary data, DGRP line and sex
url string The URL where to download this resource