
Under curation
Hope et al., 2019
The Drosophila Gene Sulfateless Modulates Autism-Like Behaviors


This study investigates autism spectrum disorder (ASD) risk, through three phenotypes with analogous behavior domains: impaired social communication, social reciprocity and repetitive behaviors or restricted interests. They studied ASD gene orthologs (neurexin 4 and neuroligin 2), an intellectual disability (ID) gene homolog (kirre), and a gene encoding a heparan sulfate (HS) modifying enzyme called sulfateless (sfl). SNPs in sfl were associated with all three ASD-like behaviors.

Comments from curator

Mean phenotyping data were downloaded from Supplemental Data 1 found in the Supplementary material section. Of note, we rather used the raw phenotyping data available in Supplemental Data 4.
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