Behaviour studies

In response to different stimuli and conditions, many different behavioural aspects of Drosophilae can vary. Behaviour studies thus contains papers focusing on some aspects of the behavioural response phenotypes in Drosophilia. These studies represent a rich source of information, as these responses range from passive changes of the circadian/olfactory behaviour to much more active states, through locomotor activity or social interactions.

34 studies contained in the category :

Reference Status Publication date Submitted by
Brown et al., 2013
Genome-wide association mapping of natural variation in odour-guided behaviour in Drosophila
2013-06-30 Roel Bevers
Harbison et al., 2018
Genome-Wide Association Study of Circadian Behavior in Drosophila melanogaster
2018-12-31 Roel Bevers
Arya et al., 2010
Natural Variation, Functional Pleiotropy and Transcriptional Contexts of Odorant Binding Protein Genes in Drosophila melanogaster
2010-11-30 Roel Bevers
Zwarts et al., 2015
The genetic basis of natural variation in mushroom body size in Drosophila melanogaster
2015-11-30 Roel Bevers
He et al., 2016
Epistatic partners of neurogenic genes modulate Drosophila olfactory behavior
Under curation
2016-01-31 romain.rochepeau
Shorter et al., 2015
Genetic architecture of natural variation in Drosophila melanogaster aggressive behavior
2015-07-06 Roel Bevers
Baker et al., 2021
Genetic Basis of Variation in Cocaine and Methamphetamine Consumption in Outbred Populations of Drosophila melanogaster
Under curation
2021-03-01 romain.rochepeau
Rohde et al., 2017
Genomic Analysis of Genotype-by-Social Environment Interaction for Drosophila melanogaster Aggressive Behavior
2017-07-31 Roel Bevers
MacKay et al., 2012
The Drosophila melanogaster Genetic Reference Panel
2012-01-31 Roel Bevers
Scharenbrock et al., 2020
Interactions among Genetic Background, Anesthetic Agent, and Oxygen Concentration Shape Blunt Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes in Drosophila melanogaster
Under curation
2020-09-20 romain.rochepeau
Dean et al., 2018
Masculinization of gene expression is associated with male quality in Drosophila melanogaster
Under curation
2018-11-30 romain.rochepeau
Lavoy et al., 2018
Genetic Modifiers of Neurodegeneration in a Drosophila Model of Parkinson’s Disease
Under curation
2018-07-31 romain.rochepeau
Lovejoy et al., 2021
Genetic basis of susceptibility to low‐dose paraquat and variation between the sexes in Drosophila melanogaster
Under curation
2021-04-30 romain.rochepeau
Riddle, 2020
Variation in the response to exercise stimulation in Drosophila: marathon runner versus sprinter genotypes
Under curation
2019-12-31 romain.rochepeau
Davis et al., 2021
Characterizing dopaminergic neuron vulnerability using genome-wide analysis
Under curation
2021-08-08 romain.rochepeau
Watanabe et al., 2018
Genetic networks underlying natural variation in basal and induced activity levels in Drosophila melanogaster
Under curation
2018-10-15 romain.rochepeau
Harbison et al., 2013
Genome-wide association study of sleep in Drosophila melanogaster
2012-12-31 Roel Bevers
Chi et al., 2021
RNA-binding protein syncrip regulates starvation-induced hyperactivity in adult Drosophila
Under curation
2021-02-21 romain.rochepeau
Zhao et al., 2022
The metabolome as a biomarker of aging in Drosophila melanogaster
Under curation
2022-01-31 romain.rochepeau
Rohde et al., 2019
Genetic Signatures of Drug Response Variability in Drosophila melanogaster
2019-09-30 romain.rochepeau
Wilson et al., 2020
GWAS for Lifespan and Decline in Climbing Ability in Flies upon Dietary Restriction Reveal decima as a Mediator of Insulin-like Peptide Production
Under curation
2020-06-30 romain.rochepeau
Brown et al., 2020
Behavioral and Transcriptional Response to Selection for Olfactory Behavior in Drosophila
Under curation
2020-03-31 romain.rochepeau
Morgante et al., 2015
Genetic Architecture of Micro-Environmental Plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster
2015-09-21 Roel Bevers
Gao et al., 2017
Incorporating Gene Annotation into Genomic Prediction of Complex Phenotypes
Under curation
2017-09-30 romain.rochepeau
Garlapow et al., 2015
Quantitative Genetics of Food Intake in Drosophila melanogaster
2015-09-15 Roel Bevers
Litovchenko et al., 2021
Extensive tissue-specific expression variation and novel regulators underlying circadian behavior
Under curation
2021-01-28 romain.rochepeau
Siva-Jothy et al., 2019
Viral infection causes sex-specific changes in fruit fly social aggregation behaviour
Under curation
2019-09-26 romain.rochepeau
Spierer et al., 2021
Natural variation in the regulation of neurodevelopmental genes modifies flight performance in Drosophila
Under curation
2021-03-17 romain.rochepeau
Yanagawa et al., 2020
Genetic Basis of Natural Variation in Spontaneous Grooming in Drosophila melanogaster
Under curation
2020-08-31 romain.rochepeau
Newell et al., 2020
The Drosophila Post-mating Response: Gene Expression and Behavioral Changes Reveal Perdurance and Variation in Cross-Tissue Interactions
Under curation
2020-02-29 romain.rochepeau
Morozova et al., 2018
A Cyclin ECentered Genetic Network Contributes to Alcohol-Induced Variation in Drosophila Development
Under curation
2018-07-31 romain.rochepeau
Hope et al., 2019
The Drosophila Gene Sulfateless Modulates Autism-Like Behaviors
Under curation
2019-06-18 romain.rochepeau
Arya et al., 2015
The Genetic Basis for Variation in Olfactory Behavior in Drosophila melanogaster
2015-04-30 Roel Bevers
Rohde et al., 2018
Functional Validation of Candidate Genes Detected by Genomic Feature Models
Under curation
2018-04-30 romain.rochepeau