All phenotypes

Climbing_Index_CTRL phenotype

By sample Continuous Numeric

Climbing index of the control flies [No unit]

Defined in study
Watanabe et al., 2021
Exercise-induced changes in climbing performance
Number of mean values for female: 35 (+1 NAs)
Number of mean unique values for female: 35
Number of mean values for male: 33 (+3 NAs)
Number of mean unique values for male: 33
Set number of bins for histograms [value = 100]
In the plot below you can visualize only one sex by clicking on the corresponding legend.
Order DGRP lines according to median values for samples
FMOrdered boxplot of raw valuesClimbing index of the control flies
Display and sort by samples
FMOrdered barplot of mean valuesClimbing index of the control flies