This line is NOT available in Bloomington for purchase.
This line was NOT part of the 205 lines genotyped using WGS, so GWAS studies CANNOT be applied to this fly.

DGRP_113 line

2 studies describing this DGRP line

Reference Phenotypes Categories Status Publication date Submitted by
Arya et al., 2010
Natural Variation, Functional Pleiotropy and Transcriptional Contexts of Odorant Binding Protein Genes in Drosophila melanogaster
mn_Longevity mn_RespAcetophen_3_5 mn_RespBenzaldeh_3_5 mn_RespHexanol_0_3 mn_RespHexanol_3_5 Ageing Olfactory Sensory Life history traits Behaviour
2010-11-30 Roel Bevers
Riddle, 2020
Variation in the response to exercise stimulation in Drosophila: marathon runner versus sprinter genotypes
EarlyAct Late_Activity PercentEarly Vial VialNumber Behaviour
Under curation
2019-12-31 romain.rochepeau