This line is NOT available in Bloomington for purchase.
This line was NOT part of the 205 lines genotyped using WGS, so GWAS studies CANNOT be applied to this fly.

DGRP_766 line

1 study describing this DGRP line

Reference Phenotypes Categories Status Publication date Submitted by
Montgomery et al., 2014
Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Tolerance to Methylmercury Toxicity in Drosophila Implicates Myogenic and Neuromuscular Developmental Pathways
idx_Surv_10MeHg idx_Surv_10MeHg_CAFF idx_Surv_15MeHg idx_Surv_5MeHg idx_Surv_cum_MeHg pc_Surv_MeHg_0 pc_Surv_MeHg_0_CAFF pc_Surv_MeHg_10 pc_Surv_MeHg_10_CAFF pc_Surv_MeHg_15 pc_Surv_MeHg_5 Toxicity Resistance Fecundity
2014-10-30 Roel Bevers